
Feb. 19, 2022

Kevin Clem on the Importance of Creating Connections and Building Rel…

Kevin Clem shares his charm and personality while discussing the biggest business development lessons he’s learned over the years. Learn about the three ways to build and develop a new relationship, how to impress a prospect by doing your homework,...

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Feb. 18, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Kevin Clem Would Say To His Younger Self

Mo asks Kevin Clem: If you could record a business development focused video and send it back to your past self, what would it be? One of the biggest lessons that Kevin has learned in his career is that people …

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Feb. 17, 2022

The Business Development Story That Changed Everything for Kevin Clem

Mo asks Kevin Clem: Tell us a business development story that you are really proud of. Kevin tells the story of a completely cold lead that turned into a full-fledged prospect after five years of near silence. By helping the …

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Feb. 16, 2022

Kevin Clem's Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Kevin Clem: What’s your favorite science, step, or story from the GrowBIG Training or the Snowball System? Kevin discovered the Snowball System from the podcast after being referred to it by the CEO of HBR Consulting. The Most …

Episode page
Feb. 15, 2022

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Kevin Clem

Mo asks Kevin Clem: What is your personal definition of business development? Simply put, making connections and solving problems. It’s always about how you can solve a problem, whether or not there is a direct transaction involved. When you solve...

Episode page
Feb. 14, 2022

Kevin Clem on Connections – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Kevin Clem: When was the moment you realized growth is great and you wanted to focus on business development? Kevin has been doing business development for 20 years, but he didn’t always call it that. Kevin realized that …

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Feb. 12, 2022

Sandy Lutton Explains the Importance of Treating People As More Than …

Sandy Lutton talks about business development and what she learned landing world-class speakers and executives as clients. Find out why you should be treating prospects as clients right from the get-go, the top four business development strategies she...

Episode page
Feb. 11, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Sandy Lutton Would Say To Her Younger Self

Mo asks Sandy Lutton: If you could record a message around growth and business development and send it to your younger self, what would it say? Early in her career, Sandy was intimidated by business development and felt that she …

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Feb. 10, 2022

The Business Development Story That Changed Everything for Sandy Lutt…

Mo asks Sandy Lutton: What is a business development story that you are really proud of? One moment in particular stands out from Sandy’s career in regards to business development. Part of her role at the Speaker’s Bureau was to …

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Feb. 9, 2022

Sandy Lutton’s Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Sandy Lutton: Tell us your favorite science, step, or story from the GrowBIG Training or Snowball System. Sandy’s favorite science is the Herrmann Brain Dominance Model because it opened her eyes to understanding how her pitch was...

Episode page
Feb. 8, 2022

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Sandy Lutton

Mo asks Sandy Lutton: What is your personal definition of business development? We think of business development as a necessary evil way too often, but it’s simply human interaction. Think of business development as an opportunity to get to know...

Episode page
Feb. 7, 2022

Sandy Lutton on People – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Sandy Lutton: When was the moment that you realized that you wanted to focus on business development? At the beginning of Sandy’s career she started off in a job at a call center doing customer service and she …

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Feb. 5, 2022

Warren Shiver on Why Business Development Doesn’t Happen Without Buil…

Warren Shiver shares his years of experience developing client relationships and landing new business and reveals why it all comes down to trust. Learn about the concrete, step-by-step process that establishes trust, how to use the Protemoi list to...

Episode page
Feb. 4, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Warren Shiver Would Say To His Younger Self

Mo asks Warren Shiver: If you could record a video about business development and send it back to your younger self, what would it say? Warren’s advice comes in three parts, the first one is: find opportunities around business development …

Episode page
Feb. 3, 2022

The Business Development Story That Changed Everything for Warren Shi…

Mo asks Warren Shiver: Tell me of a business development story that you are really proud of. Warren left his day job and started his own consultancy in 2010. He created his Protemoi list and started working through it to …

Episode page
Feb. 2, 2022

Warren Shiver's Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Warren Shiver: What’s your favorite science, step, or story from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training? Warren has been working with Mo during the early days of the GrowBIG training and has been a big fan of the …

Episode page
Feb. 2, 2022

Warren Shiver's Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Warren Shiver: What’s your favorite science, step, or story from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training? Warren has been working with Mo during the early days of the GrowBIG training and has been a big fan of the …

Episode page
Feb. 1, 2022

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Warren Shiver

Mo asks Warren Shiver: What is your personal definition of business development? Business development is simply about building trust between people. People buy from people, and that still holds true in the age of Zoom. Mo’s wife recently started a...

Episode page
Jan. 31, 2022

Warren Shiver on Trust – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Warren Shiver: At what point in your career did you realize that business development was something you should focus on? Warren started his career off in the typical management/consulting track almost exclusively focused on product delivery....

Episode page
Jan. 29, 2022

Bill Ruprecht Explains Why You Should be Proud of Being in Sales

Bill Ruprecht pulls from his decades-long career in sales and business development and shares the work-defining stories and lessons he learned along the way. Learn how Bill discovered the keys to building relationships around the dinner table with his...

Episode page
Jan. 28, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Bill Ruprecht Would Say To His Younger Self

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: If you could record a video around business development for your younger self, what would it say? You learn a lot more from failure than you do from success. Early on in Bill’s career, he had …

Episode page
Jan. 27, 2022

The Business Development Story That Changed Everything for Bill Rupre…

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: What is a story of business development that you are particularly proud of? A business like Sotheby’s is a transaction business so Bill had been involved in thousands of transactions over the course of his career …

Episode page
Jan. 26, 2022

Bill Ruprecht’s Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: What is your favorite science, step, or strategy from the GrowBIG Training or the Snowball System? Bill began working with Mo because he believed a more disciplined approach to building relationships was critical to the...

Episode page
Jan. 25, 2022

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Bill Ruprecht

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: What story did your parents tell you that shaped how you thought about business development? Bill’s mother was always extremely bright and driven, but she wasn’t terribly happy in her life. His father had the knack …

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