Mo asks Brent Atkins: If you could record a video on business development and send it to your younger self, what would you say? In the early days of Brent’s business development career, he did things very differently. The first thing he would say...
Mo asks Brent Atkins: Tell us a business development story that you are really proud of. Brent tells the story of his days before Progyny as a middle market sales person for a national carrier. He had a competitive product and was finding a lot of...
Mo asks Brent Atkins: What is your favorite science, step, or story from the GrowBIG training or Snowball System? Brent’s first favorite teaching is the walk around the brain. The science of how different people think is unbelievably valuable and...
Mo asks Brent Atkins: What is your personal definition of business development? When training his team, he tells them to “build your brand.” The way they go about building relationships and adding value will be different from Brent’s, and they...
Mo asks Brent Atkins: Tell me about the time you realized that business development was awesome. Brent learned early on the need for business development because he has done sales throughout his career. The one thing he realized from all his...
Cannon Carr shares the insights he’s learned over the years about why he’s not a sales guy, but loves business development. Learn about the key mindset shift that unlocks the power of business development and makes it something fun, easy, and...
Mo asks Cannon Carr: If you could record a video about business development and send it back to your younger self, what would it say? Cannon would record a few simple vignettes, mainly focused on the why of business development as well as the...
Mo asks Cannon Carr: What is the business development story you are most proud of? Cannon’s business is about long-term relationships, sometimes multiple generations, so being able to separate out personal risk and business risk is very important....
Mo asks Cannon Carr: What is your favorite science, step, or tool from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training? The most interesting science for Cannon is around habits and the metaphor of the rider and the elephant for the conscious and subconscious...
Mo asks Cannon Carr: What is your personal definition of business development? If you have a craft that you know and love and want to grow, you are naturally going to step into business development so you might as well do it right. For Cannon,...
Mo asks Cannon Carr: When did you realize that business development was great? There was not one moment, but a story stands out in particular for Cannon. When his father was retiring from the firm he was working at, he told him that he was a great...
Katrina Johnson shares her business development insights pulled from years of experience and her background in social and neuroscience. Learn what it takes to convince a skeptic, why creating a habit around communication is the key to business...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: If you could tape a message to your younger self about business development, what would it say? It would simply be one thing: Learn to walk the dog. When someone walks a dog, we assume that the person is in control, but...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: What is a business development story that you are particularly proud of? Katrina’s story occurred five years ago when she went on a trip to meet a candidate for a President role at a textile manufacturer. Katrina knew she...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: What is your favorite business development strategy from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training? Instead of a favorite, Katrina wants to emphasize one strategy that often goes unrecognized for how important it is, which is...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: What is your personal definition of business development? Katrina likes helping people. For her, business development is about cultivating opportunities to help people. Business development doesn’t always have a great...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: Tell us the moment when you realized that business development was good and worth doing? Katrina’s big aha moment was when she realized that the skill of business development can be learned. She started in academia and fell...
Mike Duffy shares his insights into business development and creating relationships that move the world forward. Find out how Mike transformed his career in sales with one fateful and shocking conversation with his sales manager, why Mike’s...
Mo asks Mike Duffy: If you could record a message to your younger self about how they should think about business development, what would it be? Mike’s message would be to essentially to cold call for a couple months right at the beginning to get...
Mo asks Mike Duffy: Tell me about a business development story that you are particularly proud of. One of Mike's top business development efforts happened after a major company went under and all the audits they were doing went out for RFP. Instead...
Mo asks Mike Duffy: What is your favorite science, step, or story that you learned from GrowBIG Training or The Snowball System? Mike has a top 4: “Walk Around the Brain”, “Build It Together”, “MITs”, and “Give to Gets”. Mike has...
Mo asks Mike Duffy: What is your personal definition of business development? Simply put, business development is helping others, connecting dots, and developing healthy and long lasting relationships. When you understand who your client is, whoever...
Mo asks Mike Duffy: When was the moment that you decided that business development was important and you needed to get great at it? Mike’s dad started in sales so he had a front row seat on making sales from the very beginning. He started...
Angela Meyer shares her thoughts and wisdom on business development based on years in the field as a consultant and executive for various companies. Learn why being deliberate about honing your communication skills is one of the most important things...