Nov. 24, 2021

Scott Winter’s Favorite Business Development Strategy

Scott Winter’s Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Scott Winter: What is your favorite science, step, or story from the GrowBIG Training or Snowball System? Whole brain thinking is a concept that Scott always gravitates towards when he’s putting together a pitch or presentation. It helps...

Mo asks Scott Winter: What is your favorite science, step, or story from the GrowBIG Training or Snowball System?

  • Whole brain thinking is a concept that Scott always gravitates towards when he’s putting together a pitch or presentation. It helps shape his storytelling and the way his message connects with the people he’s talking to.
  • The Give to Get is another tool that Scott uses all the time. It’s highly valuable to the prospect, builds the relationship, and helps them out, and for a trusted advisor, that’s very important.
  • Building it Together is the third favorite technique that Scott uses all the time. Working with Index naturally lends itself to customized problem solving for clients so it makes this kind of collaboration easy. If you can find a way to do that for your prospect, it can be incredibly powerful in developing the business relationship.
  • In terms of Give to Gets, sometimes that takes the form of simple advice but it can also take the form of creating a solution to a prospect’s particular problem, which can then be leveraged later on at scale.
  • In the course of business development, you are constantly building a repository of knowledge and the more you do, the more tools and knowledge you have to help people.
  • Scalability comes from a project management mindset. You can build something that can be leveraged by multiple people, it just takes a little foresight during the initial build. If you love what you do, you are constantly thinking about how you can help people which makes having the A-Ha moment much easier.



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