Nov. 29, 2021
Maria Kelly on Your Worth – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Maria Kelly: When did you realize that you really had to focus on business development and client relationships? Maria’s career didn’t begin in client-facing roles but they were usually oriented around being helping and finding solutions...
Mo asks Maria Kelly: When did you realize that you really had to focus on business development and client relationships?
- Maria’s career didn’t begin in client-facing roles but they were usually oriented around being helping and finding solutions for people. When she moved into more managerial roles, she was overseeing people who faced the client. It wasn’t until Maria went through the GrowBIG training where she realized that business development had been a part of her life the whole time, and her clients were her colleagues and the people she worked with.
- Everyone who went through the GrowBIG training had the lightbulb moment where they realized that they could be doing business development differently. The ones that embraced the Snowball System started seeing results almost immediately and people took notice.
- Maria started doing bi-weekly meetings specifically focused on business development and the various strategies of the Snowball System. The Give to Get was a particular favorite of the team.
- One of the keys to Maria’s success with her team was in shifting them from retrospectives to thinking and planning for the future. Being proactive and changing the approach to being helpful allowed them to focus on the long-term view of their business.
- For small businesses, they often struggle with many of the same issues that many professional service firms do. Entrepreneurs have to be able to step back from the execution and take some time to focus on the future and growth of the business they are working in.
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