Nov. 3, 2021

Katrina Johnson's Favorite Business Development Strategy

Katrina Johnson's Favorite Business Development Strategy

Mo asks Katrina Johnson: What is your favorite business development strategy from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training? Instead of a favorite, Katrina wants to emphasize one strategy that often goes unrecognized for how important it is, which is...

Mo asks Katrina Johnson: What is your favorite business development strategy from the Snowball System or GrowBIG training?

  • Instead of a favorite, Katrina wants to emphasize one strategy that often goes unrecognized for how important it is, which is targeting.
  • Targeting is critical to business development and as a student of minimalism, Katrina is always thinking about trade-offs. Minimalists understand trade-offs as an inherent part of life, but instead of thinking about what needs to be sacrificed, it’s more about what to double down on.
  • The subconscious emotional layer is what makes targeting tricky. We are evolutionarily primed to avoid loss and are naturally averse to subtraction.
  • We only have so much time in our life. We can’t just take on more, we have to target and figure out what are the things to go big on and what to let go of.
  • Mo had a similar experience with the training GrowBIG. Every time he refined his method and message and who he wanted to serve by letting go of certain markets, it was a terrifying change but resulted in incredible growth over time.
  • Working with a small niche can be scary, but it often leads to greater success as your effort is more refined and focused within your skillsett.
  • When Katrina is doing her job well, she’s often not operating at the forefront. In an ideal world, her clients are getting better and she eventually works herself out of a job.
  • When someone comes to Katrina with a referral that isn’t within her core focus, she always sets up a call with the person and leverages her own referral network to help that person. She always circles back to the person that refers them to let them know they’ve been taken care of.



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