Nov. 1, 2021
Katrina Johnson on Learning Business Development – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Katrina Johnson: Tell us the moment when you realized that business development was good and worth doing? Katrina’s big aha moment was when she realized that the skill of business development can be learned. She started in academia and fell...
Mo asks Katrina Johnson: Tell us the moment when you realized that business development was good and worth doing?
- Katrina’s big aha moment was when she realized that the skill of business development can be learned. She started in academia and fell into consulting almost by accident, and she enjoyed her consulting work but she felt like her hands were tied. As a subcontractor, Katrina wasn’t able to deliver the work in the way that she thought would be the most powerful for her clients.
- It wasn’t until Katrina met Mo and learned about the GrowBIG system did she realize what was missing from her work.
- With a background in neural science, Katrina knew that the research and material were pointing her in the right direction, but in some ways digging into the research was also a curse. Katrina sometimes falls into the habit of using research as a way to hide and avoid putting it into practice.
- This is where her second big realization came into play, and that she had some underlying issue that was preventing her from executing. She decided to start off small and refine the process from a place of action.
- She began by going to networking events and trying to follow up with people, most of those efforts didn’t pan out though. She landed a few speaking engagements with small groups of people and used that as a basis to create a relationship with people.
- She embraced deeper relationships rather than looser connections and in doing so stretched herself outside of her comfort zone.
- She doesn’t set out to get meetings with important decision makers, but that often flows from naturally deepening relationships with people and being helpful.
- Katrina learned a lot about the value of targeting over the last year. She realized that when she can work with the management of an organization in some combination of assessment and coaching she’s at her best.
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