April 14, 2021

How to Use Big Little Breakthroughs to Deepen Relationships, with Josh Linkner

How to Use Big Little Breakthroughs to Deepen Relationships, with Josh Linkner

Mo asks Josh Linkner: How do we use the Big Little Breakthrough concepts to deepen relationships? Creativity and innovation are tools that we use to focus on product development or marketing, but they also apply to relationships. In a relationship...

Mo asks Josh Linkner: How do we use the Big Little Breakthrough concepts to deepen relationships?

  • Creativity and innovation are tools that we use to focus on product development or marketing, but they also apply to relationships.
  • In a relationship setting, think about the other person’s big problem and about how to solve their issue.
  • The more you fall in love with your client’s problems, and the more they view you as someone who is aligned with them, the relationship becomes transformed.
  • Mo had a similar experience with a lawyer friend he had where he had to have a difficult conversation with her but the end result was that it completely changed her career trajectory.
  • Feedback is a gift. If you care about somebody you have to be willing to have hard conversations with them. If you do, you demonstrate that you care about them and that deepens the relationship.
  • Failure is a part of life, in terms of relationships, those are opportunities to deepen relationships. Owning your mistakes and doing what it takes to make it right is how you show integrity in relationships.
  • Doing a feedback session after a loss sets up the next win. Even when you win, there is an opportunity to ask for feedback on how to improve. This shows that you are always working on your game and are committed to over delivering. This takes your relationship from transactional to one of substance.



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