How to Create Curiosity and Engagement During Meetings

In our last episode, we talked about how to introduce cliffhangers to create excitement and anticipation between meetings. Today, we’ll be discussing how to create that engagement DURING meetings! Today we’ll be talking about: Ways...
In our last episode, we talked about how to introduce cliffhangers to create excitement and anticipation between meetings. Today, we’ll be discussing how to create that engagement DURING meetings!
Today we’ll be talking about:
- Ways to hint at something that’s coming without fully giving it away
- How to time these hints strategically throughout your meetings
- Why you shouldn’t ignore using curiosity as a helpful business tool
Retaining the attention of your clients during your meetings is vital to the success and productivity of those appointments. Make the most of your time - and the most of your clients’ time - by delivering a meeting that keeps your prospects present and involved.
Don’t be afraid to use curiosity as an advantage in your business development meetings. One of the worst mistakes you can make is overlooking it as a useful tool to help you generate enthusiasm and keep the ball rolling!
I am looking forward to diving into this even further on the next episode, so be sure to tune in as we get into this curiosity series.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Ron Tite, Author of Think. Do. Say.