July 7, 2021
How to Use Customer Experience and Marketing to Deepen Relationships, with Jay Baer

Mo asks Jay Baer: What is your best advice on deepening relationships? The more transactional you think the relationship is, the more transactional it’s going to feel. If your motive is based on getting paid, you’re not going to develop deep and...
Mo asks Jay Baer: What is your best advice on deepening relationships?
- The more transactional you think the relationship is, the more transactional it’s going to feel. If your motive is based on getting paid, you’re not going to develop deep and rich relationships.
- The best way to go about building relationships that matter is to build relationships that you want to have on their own. If you get paid, that’s great. If not, that’s okay, too.
- Be there before the sale. Build the right relationships now, even if you have nothing to sell or are not the right answer for them. Someday you might be.
- Most people suck at business development because they are not patient. Have conversations with people that are not about business and eventually they may lead to a commercial deal down the road.
- If you’re trying to figure out what relationships to build today, it should be the relationships that you might try to monetize in 2022.
- If you want to build deeper, more valuable relationships that will eventually yield victories, it is your responsibility to add all the value to the relationships.
- Business development is like practicing your serve, you should just keep sending value and adding to the relationship.
- Who you are is infinitely more interesting than what you do. You have to add your personality into your interactions with people if you want them to remember you. It’s okay to treat people like people.
- How can you add value to someone if you don’t know what that person cares about outside of business? Do the work to get to know the person.
- It’s very hard to tell if a professional is 20% smarter or better, but it’s really easy to tell if they genuinely care.
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